Consent to Establish CTE (NOC) and Consolidated Consents Authorization (CCA)/ Consent to Operate (CTO).
CTN Module (Name Change Application, Corrections in consent, Change in mode of Hazardous waste disposal).
Rule 9 Permission from (GPCB / CPCB under Hazardous waste management rules 2016).
One Time Authorisation for importing various Metal and Metal-bearing scraps, Mixed non-ferrous metal, Zinc-containing drosses, Paper product wastes, etc.
EPR Registration for Plastic Waste / Battery Waste / Used Oil / Tyre waste & E-waste from CPCB Centralized Portal.
Environmental Clearance (EC) from MOEF&CC, SEAC and SEIAA.
CGWA Bore well permission from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA NOC) and compliances.